試駕特斯拉Model S低功率版有感
廣州車展后我應(yīng)特斯拉4s店邀請(qǐng)到獵德的4s店試駕了特斯拉model S,當(dāng)時(shí)店家臨近下班,高功率版本在充電,就只提供了低功率版本的車型給我試駕,下面就談?wù)勗囻{ModelS 的大致感受。
雖然是低功率版本,但推背感依然能令人眩暈。方向盤輕重可調(diào),非常容易上手。沒(méi)有變速箱的換擋回饋速度上去了渾然不知,蓄能模式下放開(kāi)加速踏板,帶給我的是非常平順的阻滯感并且減速很快??梢怨?jié)約一半的踩剎車踏板的動(dòng)作,店方說(shuō)這是能量回收的過(guò)程,緊急情況可以附帶剎車踏板,但剎車踏板比較靈敏。店家表示充電半小時(shí)可到80%,45分鐘充滿。3秒加速到80公里/時(shí),平順的推背感卻沒(méi)帶來(lái)任何不適。個(gè)人感覺(jué)是實(shí)用性比較強(qiáng)的轎跑,家用也很實(shí)用,半小時(shí)的充電時(shí)間也無(wú)需配備汽油車了。Being invited to the 4S store of Tesla after 2015 Guangzhou Motor Show~ I have fallen in love with the sense of extremely acceleration without high fuel consumption and intrusive noise from engin~The sense of acceleration is a kind of dizziness though I was given a low-power version car to drive~ The dynamic of steering wheel is adjustable and easy to drrive for a new hand. Without the feedback of transmission,I have no feeling of high speed unless watching the speedometer. How comfortable the damping of deceleration is in the statue of energy accumulation when we release the accelerator pedal~ Electric energy can attain 80% after a half-hour charging and full-charge for 45 minutes~ I speeded up to 80 km/h in 3 secs without any diacomfort. It is an extremely good car.